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Thursday, February 28, 2013

One Month, TWO Books!

I have two books coming out this month!

First up is a sexy menage thriller full of drugs and international spies. Just the Messenger comes out for No Boundaries Press on March 5th, and the cover is just gorgeous.

Check it out!

Then at the end of the month, my dystopian, sci-fi romance Direct Contact comes out for Resplendence Publishing!

This one is full of revolution and government take-down from the inside, and, of course, love!

Find the cover and blurb here!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Layers of Racism...It's Like an Onion, Really

Look, I get it, I really do. Some poor schmoe who gets paid like two cents a tweet for The Onion made a bad decision.

And it was really bad.

But I see where he was going. Taking the sweetest, most innocent, freshest and possibly most talented face at the Oscars--someone who was beyond reproach (because that is what would make the joke funny)--and using the crassest language possible to point out the error in the ways in which the Oscars are both produced and reported.

Who looks the worst? Who's drunk? Who's gotten botox?

It's all garbage, and that's what the man behind the tweet was trying to say.

But that is not what he said.

And to those of you blathering about how no one can take a joke, and we're all clearly missing the intention of the humor and free speech and blah, I've just started this post with proof that, no, I get it.

And I still hate it.

And I'm not even going to defend Quvenzhane Wallis, not because she doesn't deserve to be defended, but because those who supported the Onion's tweet are saying it's not even about her.

It's not about a young child, it's not about a girl, and it's definitely not about a young black girl. People who think it is are just obtusely missing the point. In fact, the supporters of this humor didn't even notice she was black!

First of all, yes you did. Unless you are literally blind and had no access to media during the release of the movie, and during the Oscars and really for all of time (in which case, you wouldn't have heard about the tweet) you noticed her skin color.

What you meant to say was this: Her skin color didn't matter to you. You would have made the same shitty joke about a little white girl, you swear.

Okay, so let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say you would have. Even though you didn't.

The problem is this: It's not up to us to say skin color doesn't matter to us. While it can be a grandiose step in what might be the right direction, it erases centuries of pain, hardship, loss and despicable treatment that is not ours to erase.

As bell hooks said in 1992, white people cannot reach out to black people to combat racism saying, “we’re ready now, let’s be friends. Subject to subject contact between white and black which signals the absence of domination, of an oppressor / oppressed relationship must emerge through mutual choice and negotiation.”

We don't have the right to say when racism is over.

Here's a comment from my friend's blog, the post to which I linked above: "You clearly have not reached the stage of post-racial."

No. No, she hasn't. That's the point. Neither has the person making that comment, although he (or she) thinks he has. "Color blindness" not only minimizes incredible strain and hardship in the distant and recent past for minorities, it also implies that the problems they face today are not there. It subverts efforts to bring about true equality by saying that what we have now is equality. And it is not.

These paltry attempts we make as white people to make ourselves feel better, to allow ourselves to prematurely congratulate ourselves on wiping out racism, are exactly that: paltry attempts.

“[Modern racism] eschews old-fashioned racist images, and as a result, stereotypes are now more subtle, and stereotyped thinking is reinforced at level likely to remain below conscious awareness” (Entman & Rojecki 1992).

My point here is that the little girl is black, and we cannot go around saying we didn't notice or that it has no bearing on the situation, as spectators. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe she will tell us that, or her parents will. They're pretty much the only ones who can make that call. 

Actually, that's not my point. That was my side point. My point is, yet again, that words mean things. And even though you meant the opposite of what you said, you still said what you said. About a little girl. For a cheap laugh. And yes, we all know that no one, especially you, tweet writer, actually thinks Quvenzhane Wallis is that word you called her.

And no, it doesn't matter.

Think before you type. There are so very few lines in this day and age. Why would you cross one like that? And I realize that the joke is damn near impossible to pull off if you use anyone but a child as your vehicle. Because people will take you seriously. And I think now we've all realized that people will still take you seriously. Because words mean things and even if you didn't mean those words, meant the opposite of those words, that message is still being digested by millions of people around the world.

And if there wasn't this backlash of know-it-ally bloggers fighting what we consider "the good" fight? And if the Onion hadn't been forced to take down the tweet and apologize? Well, how many 12-year-old boys (or girls) would have seen it and assumed that kind of language and message was okay, was funny, was cute? Because talking doesn't ever lead to action, right? People, especially young people, speaking words that they've heard those they respect say, that doesn't subconsciously solidify opinion, right? That doesn't normalize behavior, set an example, enhance a point of view, does it?

But maybe it does.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Guest Post - The Basics of Baby Teeth

Guest blogger Jennifer Vishnevsky writes for, part of the Everyday Health portfolio, which also includes, as well as a freelancer for other lifestyle media sites.


Seeing your baby’s first teeth can be exciting and nerve wracking. Before you know it, those little teeth may be accompanied by crying and fussing. Gums take a few years to be replaced by two rows of baby teeth. It’s still important to take good care of gums and then baby teeth, as they are the placeholders for adult teeth.

Without a healthy set of baby teeth, your child will have trouble chewing and speaking clearly. That's why caring for baby teeth and keeping them decay-free is so important.

Start taking care of your baby’s gums by gently wiping them down at least twice a day with a moistened washcloth or cause. This simple task will wash off bacteria. Once your child’s teeth start erupting, use a toothbrush with a soft head and small head. Start using a small amount of toothpaste around age 1. You should take your child to a first dental appointment by age 1. Your dentist will give you advice about teething and thumb sucking, among other things. Most dentists recommend waiting until age 2 to use fluoride toothpaste.

If you’ve heard of the phrase “the terrible two’s,” you’ve likely heard parents talk about teething. It can take two years before all of your child’s teeth emerge through the gums. Teething is uncomfortable and painful, so take steps to relieve your child’s discomfort. Teething rings are very popular for parents. Let your baby chew on a clean, cool teething ring or a cold washcloth. Also, try rubbing your baby’s gums with a clean finger. If your child seems to be in a lot of pain, some pediatricians recommend giving your baby Tylenol occasionally to relieve pain.

As your child’s teeth erupt, start thinking about how you can prevent cavities. Avoid giving your child any sugary drinks, like juice and soda. Even excess breast milk can cause problems with tooth decay. Bacteria feeds on the sugar from sweet drinks and produces acid, which attacks your baby’s teeth. If you send your baby to bed or naps with a bottle or sippy cup, fill it with water only. Also avoid putting anything sweet on your baby's pacifier.

Children start losing their baby teeth around the age of six. The last baby teeth generally fall out by age 12 or 13. You’ll notice that baby teeth tend to fall out in the order that they erupted. The bottom two front teeth are generally the first to fall out, followed by the top front two teeth. Check with your child’s dentist about losing baby teeth. Some baby teeth may be resistant to falling out or being pulled.

The most important thing to remember about losing baby teeth is that you have the perfect opportunity to emphasize oral care. Make brushing teeth a fun activity with character toothbrushes and toothpastes. Happy child equals happy smile!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Recipe Monday - Easy Rubbed Salmon

This recipe is thanks to my mom who one day while we were on vacation made us all salmon and I was like wat?

Olive oil
Seasoning Salt
Garlic powder
Lemon pepper

Heat oil on medium high in a frying pan.
Liberally shake each seasoning over the salmon and rub them in with your hands.
Place the salmon pink-side down in the pan and cook for five to ten minutes depending on thickness.
Flip and cook for another few minutes.

It's the most delicious salmon I've ever had...and the easiest to make.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Preschool Pointers - 27: It's NOT Allergies

A while back I wrote a post about how maybe my pediatrician was right, maybe my kids simply had allergies. I was wrong. It's not allergies.


Your kid is sick again, you bring her to the doctor and you get, "well, it's allergies." A week later, still sick, you bring her to the doctor again, he shines a light here, takes a temperature there and tells you, "nope, still allergies, but now there's an ear infection...from the allergies, of here are some antibiotics."

Then you come down with these "allergies" a few days later. Because, you know, allergies are so contagious. And your husband, too.

And your babysitter had to go to her doctor, and he told her "allergies" until she went back a few days later and demanded a throat swab. Because she had strep throat.

Which isn't allergies.


Don't let them put you off. I've come to the conclusion that during winter time, some pediatricians figure these illnesses are just kid sicknesses, little viruses here and there, and there's nothing that can be done, so what the hey, blame allergies.

We've never gotten tested for allergies, so the next time we go in (follow up in two weeks for ear infection, of course), I'm going to ask him to test them. If he's going to tell me allergies every time we pay him a visit (which isn't often. I'm pretty tough. We only go to the doctor when we absolutely have to.), then he's going to tell me what they're allergic to. Because come on.

Anyway, this is the winter of sick. I don't know of any parent that hasn't suffered through multiple bouts of illness, and they're probably all viruses that no one can do anything about.

But, seriously, they're not allergies.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Guest Post - Ways to Help Your Kids Use Their Imaginations

Today, I have a guest post for you on helping your kids play pretend.


All young children love to pretend and it is important in those early years to help them develop their imaginations. I have thought a lot about how some people have such great imaginations and how others seem to be totally without imagination at all. I feel that I fall on the middle road in between somewhere.

I was thinking about what my childhood was like and was wondering about what causes some people to be more imaginative than others. I do believe you are born with certain characteristics but I also believe that imagination can be developed even further in a child’s life by our parents, our surroundings, teachers, and friends.

I happened to be the middle child in between two brothers. My dad traveled a lot and my mother was working constantly to clean house, cook, and make everything as perfect as possible in our home. I was born in the latter part of the fifties and communicating with your children was not what it is today. My dad was still of the school of children were seen and not heard. My mother talked to me a lot about cooking, cleaning, and making a nice home because that was her life. She also talked to all of us about the Lord Jesus and taught us how to have a relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

I tell you this so that you can see where I am coming from. Mom did tell us Bible stories which spurred the imagination but she was not a story teller and was not big into flamboyant narratives. And Dad, well, he was a salesman and he was good at it. He made a lot of people laugh but predominantly talked to the adults. I spent most of my time sitting and playing with my dolls, drawing pictures, coloring, or swinging on the porch swing or swing set. I did love to look up at the clouds to see what pictures I could see that the clouds made.

When I was in high school I took some art classes because I loved to draw, paint, and be creative. I was not any good at it really but I still enjoyed it. In that art class I sat next to a lovely girl that was extremely talented. I remember when we were using water colors and were told to paint anything I just sat there and could not think of a thing to paint. I was much better at still life drawings and paintings; I just could not see things in my mind. As I looked over at my friend her paint brush was moving over the paper with sweeping motions, I could see she had the picture already on the paper and she was just filling in the blanks. When she was finished, and it did not take her long, there was a story on that paper of a beautiful girl in a long dress blowing in the wind, in the middle of a field of flowers on a sunny day. I was in awe. This was no high school water color.

But the thing that amazed me and still to this day amazes me is how people see these pictures in their minds and then copy them on paper so perfectly. I believe some people are born with abilities but I also believe that imagination can be helped along by creative parents and teachers. I believe it needs to be started while children are very young, when everything is still a wonder to them.

I did my best to instill imagination into my children’s lives when they were young. I wanted them to have the creativeness that I felt I lacked. I also believe that it helps them to think through things in multiple scenarios which give them better decision making skills. Here are just a few of the things we did as they were growing up:

1. Reading stories in character – Both of my children loved it when I read books to them and used different voices for the characters. If it was an active book I would even act out some of the scenes. When children are small they love this because their imaginations are so wide open they can actually see the story unfolding like a staged play as they hear the voices and see the actions. It not only helps their imaginations but gives them a desire to read the book for themselves later to see it all over again in their minds.

2. Puppets and stuffed animals – My daughter loved puppets. She had a lot of hand puppets when she was young. Her first puppet was a rabbit in a magic hat. When you put your hand in he could pop in and out of the hat, you could make his ears wiggle, and his mouth moved. I could talk to her for hours with that puppet (I usually could not last that long), she would look at that puppet and have wonderful conversations. I did not try and disguise the fact that my mouth was moving but she gave me no never mind, she talked straight to her beloved rabbit. We talked about everything that was going on in her life and in the rabbit’s life. He told her stories about magic tricks and being on stage. She had tons of puppets and each one had their unique story. She would say, “Momma, let’s talk to the rabbit.” *smile*

Now my son is a different story. He would say, “Momma, it is just you talking!” He did not like the puppets. I am not sure if they freaked him out or he just did not like the idea that he thought he was being fooled, I just do not know. But he loved when I had a stuffed animal and I would act out stories with them. He had a particular favorite which was a black and white cow. I would tell him stories about the cow walking through the fields and eating grass but then he came upon a bee hive and did not know what it was. As he was investigating the bee hive the bees came out and started to chase him and sting him on the butt. The cow would jump and shake off his rear end and make eww and aww and ouch noises. My son would be rolling on the floor. This worked for him and there was a lot of action going on. Both of these make for wonderful memories as well. We ran across the cow the other day and he is twenty now. He looked at it and smiled. I asked him if he remembered the stories. “Of course Mom! Love you.”

3. Charades (our way) – Another game we played was our version of charades. We would pick a category such as animal, or movie, or even a person we all knew. Then we would each one take turns acting it out and having the others guess. Kids are so much fun to play this with because they can really act things out and if they are having trouble then you can get real demonstrative and help them out. Sometimes we would all get into it when we each had an opinion of how a certain animal walked or moved. It is a lot of fun and all of these activities have extra benefits of just being together and having fun.

4. Playing with blocks, action figures, or dolls – Building houses or castles with blocks and having action figures or dolls to tell stories with as you build them homes, encampments, or princess towers. Sitting with your children and making up stories as you do this and getting them involved in the lives of their doll/action figure characters is a great way to get their imaginations going. After you get them started they will continue the stories when they are playing alone or with siblings.

These are a few of the things we did when my children were younger, not only is it imagination building but a wonderful way to bond and learn about your children, and it's what makes them who they are. Today my oldest is twenty-seven and she is an avid reader and is a professional writer/editor. My son is in college and is a wonderful problem solver. He can think of so many ways to solve intricate problems in every area of life. I know that the times we shared when they were small encouraged them and their imaginations to succeed. Have fun with your children and grow some imagination!


Author Bio:

Ken holds a master’s in business leadership from Upper Iowa University and multiple bachelor degrees from Grand View College. As president of, Ken’s focus is helping Houston-based parents find the right childcare provider for their family. When he isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with his three children and his wife.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Getting a Degree, Mommy Style in the Digital Age

I was talking with my mother the other day, and it occurred to me how much harder she had life in general, but more specifically, how hard she had to work to further her own education.

Now, I have it rough, in my whiny little opinion. And I'm only taking two classes. But the propensity of professors to insist that if you have a life beyond grad school you are not taking them seriously enough is ridiculous. People can live and still want to better themselves.

Side point: What is so bad about wanting to get a degree to land a better job? Wanting to make money and wanting to learn are not  mutually exclusive. And yet, to some professors' points of view, if you have any goal other than continuing research (which oftentimes I find inaccurate, inarticulate and self-congratulatory) you are a lesser human being. Why?

And the judgment and scorn these people have for their inferiors. The distaste they openly share for adjunct professors and teachers' assistants. It's...I'm not on board.

Anyway, tangent aside, when my mother put herself through this, she had to go part time (like me) because she also worked. And she also had three kids.

And unlike me, she didn't have Google Scholar. Can you imagine?

These days, if I want to write one of those intensely satisfying papers that explains oh-so-much about the world in which we live, all I have to do is type in my search terms and pages upon pages of studies come up, at my fingertips. I don't even have to know what I'm looking for ahead of time.

Show me selective exposure theory, internet!

My wish is its command.

Meanwhile, she had to go to the library, look up specific studies in the card catalogs, rent out books, transfer notes by hand, the nauseating list goes on. And if the library didn't have it, she had to order it from a different library, wait on them, go back, and do it all over again.

All to find a thought someone had thirty years ago, that they had to publish by citing fifty other people's thoughts from fifty years ago. And then she had to go find the cited thoughts too.

One of the best things that came out of a crappy paper I just read a few days ago (and no, I'm not citing it), is that while more and more people are attaining higher education, the amount of knowledge has remained the same. We're receiving degrees and not learning anything more. I would argue that it's not due to the people who want to get an A in class (as those people usually want to learn, too), but that the structural system of higher education is flawed in such a way that it is beginning to crumble.

I find academic citations no more enlightening than Fox News Political Pundits. They call themselves experts, but on what grounds? Have they even thought through any of these issues or have they simply regurgitated what others before them have thought? Then when they attempt a half-hearted application of old knowledge to new technology and don't back those claims up, those same claims become the basis for the next generation of scholarly papers, simply because they were published.

Obviously this isn't the case for all studies and papers. We need studies, we need papers, and many, many, many people do a good job. But many do not.

As we move forward into a world of online classes and learning, we will become even one more step removed from the sources of these papers. The knowledge will remain the same.

So, here's the main problem: If we all now need a master's degree to know the same amount we used to know from graduating high school, then we need to take another look at our education system. What could eventually happen is that only the rich will be allowed the opportunity to be educated even to the bare minimum of what is necessary in our society.

Like I said, I don't mind that grad school is now "easier" due to technology, or simply the massive amounts of published academic papers to choose from. By all means, lower the bar for me.

But what does that mean for our world as a whole? And how can we get back to learning for learning's sake? Or not even that. How can we get away from this judgmental assholery where someone who does not have a PhD., or a master's, or an undergrad degree doesn't get to have an educated opinion on an issue important to them?

I don't know. Grad school ponderings.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Guest Post - Preventing Fires

"Nearly every type of house fire can be prevented from happening!"

On an annual basis, the fire brigade is called out to well in excess of 60,000 house fires. And even more tragically, every single year somewhere in the region of 500 people die in these fires with an additional number, in excess of 10,000, becoming injured.

If there is a fire in your home, your probability of surviving depends on how rapidly and carefully you're able to leave the building.

To begin with, simply answer 'yes' or 'no' to each of the following questions and then examine how many right answers you get to see how good your knowledge is about home fire safety. Advice will then appear based on the answers that you put down, each of which will help you and your family's capabilities of dealing with a fire in the home.

To keep your family members safe it is very important you have a bedtime safety routine.
Turn off and unplug every electrical appliance that is not supposed to stay on overnight.
Turn off all transportable heating appliances.
Shut every door in every room of your home.
Unfortunately, a high percentage of fires start in people's homes during the night.
Are any candles or incense burners being used around the house?
Are any matches and cigarette lighters left out with young kids around?
Do any people in the home smoke cigarettes or cigars?
Do you have in place a plan for 'Escaping from the Home', if needed?

How to Set Up Your Escape Route!

Everybody in the home needs to be completely aware of the escape plan. Ensure your planned way of escaping stays free of any obstructing household items and that there aren't any floor coverings that may cause you to fall over. Every single person inside the house needs to be made fully aware of the escape plan.

Make sure that you purchase a smoke alarm. Good smoke alarms can be bought for fewer than ten dollars and are extremely easy to install. Smoke alarms are readily available from Do It Yourself, Hardware Stores and Electrical Shops and even in most good Supermarkets.

It is very important that you follow the Manufacturer's Instruction Manual which will show you, step-by-step, how to fit the smoke alarm. They included Instruction Manual should also provide advice you on changing batteries and on-going maintenance.

Here's What to Do If A Fire Starts In Your Home

Get out of the house immediately.
Call the fire service as soon as possible to address the fire.
Remain out of the house.

If you can shut the door of the room caught up in the fire firmly and every other door you have to pass through. This helps to delay any chance of the fire and the smoke spreading.

Before you try to open a closed door, make use of the back of your hand to see how warm it is. If it feels hot - or even remotely warm - then don't open it as there is likely to be fire on the other side.

Get everybody out of the house as fast as is humanly possible. Don't even think about attempting to take any valuables or possessions. Your life is far more important than any household item. Proceed out of your home as carefully as possible and avoid panicking. Your pre-planned escape route will help you enormously in a situation such as this.

Make an immediate call to the fire department from the house of a nearby neighbour or from a public telephone box (or your cell phone if it's on you, just saying). Give them the exact address to arrive at in a clear, calm voice. Don't even think of returning to your home until a fire officer has clearly stated that it is safe to do so.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Recipe Monday - Strawberry Chocolate Surprise

The girls and I made this for Valentine's Day. It's not a backbreaker, but it's cute and presents well. It also tastes great!

9oz Jello chocolate pudding mix
heavy cream
confectioners' sugar

Make pudding according to directions, allow to set in the fridge for an hour or two.
Slice strawberries into bite-sized bits.
Mix 1 cup of heavy cream with 1 cup of confectioners' sugar to make whipped cream. (Beat for 2-3 minutes on high).

Layer strawberries, then pudding, then whipped cream until you've filled the cups!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Preschool Pointers - 26: Bring Over a Friend

Problem: Now that the kids are four, do you really need to be right up in their faces while they play? Does everyone need to go to the park together? When do we get to do that whole, hey, come over to my house and play with my kids and leave me out of it? I say now.

Solution: Try it. The other parents aren't going to do it first (trust me, I tried waiting for them). Today we bit the bullet and we have a very nice little girl here. Now, no one is used to it, and my girls are tantruming and not knowing what to do with themselves, but this is a learning process. (Right now they're all watching Bambi for a hot second after a completely failed experiment involving three girls and only two play computers. Yeah, that went over as well as you could expect.) Anyway, after they chill out, I'll feed them lunch, then make them play some more. And we'll do this again next weekend. With a different kid. And then again. And we'll keep doing this until my kids figure out that they can play with friends and not involve me every single second.

Here's hoping.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Annual Day in the Life - February 2013

Since I started this blog, I've done one "day in the life" a year. The first year, I recruited a bunch of my friends to do it, too. The second year I joined up with a bunch of other bloggers doing it. This year, I've been a bit busy, so I just did it by my lonesome.

Want to see my boring days? Sure you do!

When I get downstairs around 8:30 a.m., the girls are already waiting for me, yawns and all.

First task? Last night's dished. Time to take out the clean ones and put in the dirty ones.

Then I quickly post the blog I'd thankfully written the night before.

Time to get the troops dressed and drop them in front of the TV while I make breakfasts and lunches for the day!

We've got a dentist appointment at 11 a.m., so packable lunches for all!

10 a.m. is breakfast time! How did it get to be 10 already?

My husband goes off to work, and I'd better get dressed, huh?

10:45 means it's time to get in the car. Except the carseats aren't there yet. Oops. A quick install, some jackets and umbrellas and we're ready to go. I hate when it rains. Getting four year olds ready with umbrellas is tough!

Ten minutes later, we're there!

X-rays today for the first time ever.


Then our regular check up. All looks good. Especially Lilly in her shades!
Then it's time for lunch in the car on the way to preschool.

Valentine's Day at school! Should be fun.
This gives me three hours schoolwork. But first, coffee in my office. Nice life.

I'm part of a book club for BlogHer where they send you books to review. So I write up my participation first. Then I start preparing for my research paper in Mass Comm. Theory. My classmate is due to get here at 1:30 p.m. so we can work on our reference list. Don't let the excitement raise your blood pressure.

Here she is. Try asking a 22 year old to participate in your DITL for your mommy blog. LOL.

She has class at 3 p.m. so after 90 minutes of compiling, she takes off and I finish this reference list up and send it to her. Then it's time to pick up the girls! Where did my break go?
As happy as this looks, we couldn't make it to the car without breaking down, so nap time when we get home.

Which, of course, gives me time to do more incredibly spellbinding research! (Sorry to bore you guys.) This takes up the entire nap time.

The girls wake up, time for a snack of fruit (then a candy from their Valentine's bag.)

After they're done, we've got to start on our special Vday snack for daddy!
Licking the whisk is the best part.

Okay, the pudding has to set, and it's 6:30 p.m. now, so let's start on dinner. Gorgonzola meatloaf away! And of course, this mess isn't just going to clean itself, so time to tidy up.

 That's better. Also, candy corns are always in season. No judging. Meatloaf will be in the oven for a while, so time for showers. First we have to pick out our nighties. This takes forever.

Dirty / clean. Dirty / clean. You get the point of showers.

We're out of the shower just as my husband comes home with Valentine's day presents!

I like to cook the heck out of my meatloaf, so while it's finishing up, I get the side dishes together and make the whipped cream for the dessert, then put the cups together.

Okay, time to eat dinner and dessert!

And if that's not enough, we've got some chocolate!


Now, I should get them ready for bed, but I'm exhausted. So, at 9:30 p.m. we watch some Full House while I check on FB and LJ. What's up, Uncle Jesse?

Okay, enough. Bed time for real. One girl picks out her outfit for the next day while the other one brushes her teeth, then they switch.

Tuck them into bed.

Then, some more boring pictures. I edit some articles, edit a manuscript, talk to a few friends online, and read through one of my husband's novels before bed.

And that's it! Then at 1 a.m. I drag myself to bed to do it all again tomorrow. (With hopefully more cleaning.)

If you haven't had fully enough of me, here are last year's ditl, and ditl 2011! (Fewer pictures there, more baby, less computer screen.)


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