So, this is yesterday, in pictures, from beginning to end. Everything about my typical day is basically right here. At the end, I'll link the other DITLs just to compare my life now to then.
The day starts at 6:30 because someone somewhere thought it was a great idea to have little kids go to school before 8 a.m.
I am not the person who thinks this.
Neither are my kids. But I wake them up and start them getting dressed. Then I wander into the kitchen...

Where last night's dishes await me. Because I don't cook and then do dishes. I just can't. So 6:45 a.m. dishes it is.
Then I make their lunches because I also can't bring myself to do that the night before.
On a good day, they're out and eating breakfast by this point because we have to leave the house at 7:30.

The walk to school takes us 13 minutes exactly, provided there are no stops on the way.
I walk home and take the dog out. He's thrilled, as you can tell.
Then it's time to throw in a load of laundry.

As that starts spinning, I make my husband breakfast and lunch, and he leaves for work.
This morning I have a medical consult. They think palm trees make that better, but they surprisingly have no effect.
The news wasn't great, actually. Yay.
After that, I came home and just needed a minute. Took the dog out again, and caught my breath.

Then, I had to get to work. I started recording a lecture on my desktop so I could update it and edit it for this semester. Then I popped on Shameless and folded some laundry after eating breakfast in bed. It's nearly noon at this point, but whatever, right?
After that, I had to stop for a bit. I have anxiety and sometimes I just have to hide under the covers and it washes over me like ocean waves that are really tree roots. Anyway, I usually give myself about 15 minutes, then I have to get back to it.
In this case, my lecture had recorded and I needed to edit it together correctly.

Suddenly it's 1:45 p.m. and I have to pick up the girls. At least one of them is happy to see me.
We make a stop at the grocery store, but before we go in, they have to dump out the recess sand from their boots.
"How much do we weigh if we were just one person?"
Shopping is done. About $170. Not bad for the week.
Fletch is super stoked to see us when we get home.
First order of business is making the girls a snack because they are starving (third grade lunch is at 9:45 a.m.).

Efff, I forgot to put the groceries away and it's an hour later. Better get on that.

I pop the girls in front of the TV for a bit to upload my edited lecture. #okayest
Then it's more laundry! Yay.
This time I do it while eating lunch.

Have you ever poisoned fire ants? Pro-tip, rile them up with a stick first. Poke the hill good.
Meanwhile, my lecture uploaded, so now I make the lesson plan.
My kids do their homework while I fold even more laundry.
Every Monday, I've been setting up an activist support thread on FB, just to keep everyone going as we try to stop the country from falling apart.
Somehow during the day this happened again. I just start doing them when...
Daddy gets home!
Another few minutes and I'm done.
Time for dinner. I start the steaks.
Meanwhile, the girls make out their Valentines for the next day.
Then we all eat. It's about 8 p.m. now.
After that, the girls get ready for bed, and I squeak in some edits on a story I'm writing for Marie Claire. (name drop bc proud af).
Then it's finally bedtime!
Even for the dog.
Even for me! (I'm laughing because I'm reminding myself of James Franco here. looool)
The END.
Previous years: