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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Toddler Tricks - 11

Ways to Trick your Baby:

Problem:  Once your baby sees her Halloween costume, she's not going to want to wear anything else.  Ever.  You don't want her to eat or sleep in it; you don't want parts lost or stained.  But it will be very difficult to save the costume for Halloween, itself.  Especially if your child goes to daycare or preschool.  They probably have already worn it at some party or parade.

Solution:  Tell your baby you need to wash the costume, and you'll give it right back to them.  This works especially well if they are about to take a bath or a nap.  I find if I can calmly explain to my kids that something needs to be washed, they give it up in trust that they'll get it back.

Ways your Baby Tricks You:

Problem:  Your baby is not going to magically cease to desire to wear her costume after the holiday has come and gone.  In my case, I sense, we will spend a lot of time playing bee and ladybug.

Solution:  Make this a game and give it a name.  This way, you can promise it, do it, and put it away when you're done.  There is no reason your babies can't play dress up with their Halloween costumes for months to come.  If you call it the Dress Up Game, or something similar, they won't be living in their costumes, and you've added another game to the pile to quell boredom on rainy days.


  1. we have every costume saved for the past 10yr in a dressup trunk. halloween is the best to fill in those necessary costume nitches such as "zombie cop" "zombie fireman" "zombie doctor".


  2. They just get more and more beautiful every day. I can't say that enough!

  3. Ha! They're gorgeous :)

    The transition out of Halloween mode is tough for toddlers, I think. Ever since Sunday's trick-or-treating adventure my toddler thinks that saying "treattreat!" to people we see while we're out and about will prompt them to give her candy. Imagine her disappointment when she emerged from her voting experience this morning with only a sticker!

    Thanks for following my blog. I'm following yours now, too!



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